Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Derek And Mike Show 005 - Scientologists Need Not Listen

Derek and Mike are joined by yet another special guest this week, Mike's wife Ryanne. They talk about the time that Mike broke an unbreakable plate, Derek getting his movie "The Nothing" into the Nashville film festival and what Ryanne actually thinks the movie is about. Mike laments about a time this week that he had to go to the mall and the kiosks he fought along the way. All of this plus we discuss whether it is better to have more or fewer aliens inside your brain if you're a Scientologist.

Don't forget to answer to the question: "What do you think the Giant Weird Pillows from this episode are?" on the Derek and Mike Show Facebook page.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Mall: Never a Good Idea

 When someone says … “Hey, let’s go to the mall!”… I usually want to reply … “Hey, let’s find a bunch of guns and shoot ourselves in the face. 

I know that is a relatively quick and easy way out compared to the dismemberment I would endure rather than have to spend a few minutes at the mall … but why suffer when you don’t have to?

The mall appeals to a very specific demographic, and I don’t fit into any of them. I’m not ballin’, I’m not cruising for underage tail, and I’m still years from drinking Ensure and eating prunes. (I enjoy my plums hydrated thank you!)

Their Calves Look FANTASTIC!
 But in an act of temporary insanity, the other day I found myself in the mall. While there with my wife killing a few minutes, I found a whole new reason to hate it. 

We’re all familiar with the kiosks that inhabit the center of the mall’s aisles, and we ignore them as such. However, because some idiots out there decided to feed the kiosks with money, when they get ignored, they get angry. “

I was walking to the Disney Store with Ryanne to shop for something for our daughter, when a lotion kiosk got us in its sights. And to engage us, it sent an over-eager female worker armed with a pump-handle lotion dispenser.


“Would you like to try this fabulous cucumber-melon blend?”

“No thank you.”

“How about a honey vanilla lotion, it’s on sale.”

“No, we’re in a hurry.”

“You should try it.”

“We’re allergic to lotion, we could die if you touch us.”

“What about a coconut scent?”

This woman would not take no for an answer. I assume that the kiosk had deleted that command from her
database. By the time she finally left us alone, she was a good 2 miles from where she started. And the second that she left, we were intercepted by a woman who tried to pluck my wife’s eyebrows with a snarly pair of tweezers. 

"Hi ... How can I make you feel Ugly Today?"
The funny thing is, if the shoe were on the other foot, things would be quite different. If it were me trying to relentlessly get her to try my "brand" of lotion, it wouldn’t be salesmanship, it would be sexual harassment.
I never noticed these aggressive beauty kiosk tactics until this incident. When I’m alone in the mall, they mostly seem to ignore me. I assume this is because they don’t sell electronics or cookies. If women have to deal with this all the time, I feel sorry for them. 

I think I’m going to fight fire with fire next time. If I get accosted to try some fancy hand lotion, I’ll just harass them until they visit … home of terrific podcasts like The Derek and Mike Show, 3 Count Radio, and Inventors through History.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Derek and Mike Show 004 - First Tiger Blood

Every once in awhile a celebrity goes nuts, straight up bonkers. Until now, we've never had a podcast to talk about it. Enter The Charlie Sheen and his tiger blood. The guys talk about how someone can be so full of themselves for having never done anything that great. They talk about what happens when you combine the drug Charlie Sheen with Tiger Blood (see END OF THE WORLD). And Mike talks about how he has the smartest kid on the planet and how see does not have tiger blood. Also everyone hates it when people get their Tiger Blood on the bathroom knob. That one sounded gross. This show is funny, so listen.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011



Using a public bathroom is not fun. It’s stressful, smelly, and you have to be constantly vigilant to your surroundings. It’s essentially the complete opposite experience that you get while at home, except for the smell. It’s always going to smell.

Beyond the hassles of this poop and run life, there is something that drives me insane about public restrooms … People who don’t wash their hands. 

Now, I’m no germ-a-phoebe. I’ve taken advantage of the 17-second rule on plenty of occasions. But, there is a huge difference between imbibing in the delicacy of floor candy, and having to touch a door knob after someone what just handled their junk or had their hands in their butt or vajayjay. 

It literally takes 30 seconds to wash all the germy germs off your hands after you piddle, but it only takes one instance of not washing your hands to forever be dead in my eyes. There are a couple of acquaintances I can’t pee with anymore, and that’s a relationship that you can never get back.
I’m also a realist; I know it’s impossible to force people to wash their mitts 100% of the time. My high powered robot bathroom attendant that Tasers people who try to escape is still in the developmental phase. (Patent pending) And the robot to clear out the piles of unconscious slobs is still only a blueprint at this point. (You can have that one)

The ironic thing is that most modern bathrooms are built with germs in mind. They have automatic flushers, faucets, and paper towel dispensers, all of which are wondrous inventions that rival the airplane. But then you go to leave the restroom and OOPS! … You’re met with a door that only swings in.

Really? REALLY?!

I know that we’re still light years away from Star Trek crap like automatic doors, but I think that making public bathroom doors that swing OUT from the inside just might be smart enough to work.  

Until we get to that point as a functioning society, remember … ALL HUMANS MUST WASH THEIR HANDS BEFORE RETURNING TO LIFE.